Beware... part 1 of 3
The kapre, the tikbalang and the bangungot are the most popular of the tree-dwellers. They live in trees, most especially the balete tree, thus the name. The kapre looks like a giant black man smoking a cigar. It loves to lead travelers astray by causing temporarily bewilderedness or blindness, and the only way to break free from this is to wear your clothes inside out.

The tikbalang, on the other hand, assumes different forms, the most common of which is the horse. It is said to possess a talisman, which if you are able to steal will give you power over the creature.

The bangungot, often thought to be just a bad dream, is a very dark and large creature that sits on the chests of people who sleep anywhere near the tree in whih it lives, even after the tree has been cut down. Most people who are having nightmares feel like they cannot move or breathe. To wake up, you have to bite your thumb of wiggle your big toe.


© by Perli Alipon - Tiongson